Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Percy Jackson's Mythomagic Cards

My favorite book is Percy Jackson. He is dyslexic and has problems in school like I do. But I'm not a demi-god. At least I don't think I am.

We learn about Mytho-magic cards in the series. They are cards that have the different gods and their children on them with points and special powers. You cannot buy Mytho-Magic cards so I made one in Wixie.

I chose to do Percy since he is my favorite character. I put his background as the sea because he is the son of Poseidon. I gave him 11 points because he is the son of Poseidon. I based the points on a 12 point scale with Zeus being the top because he is the strongest god. I'm sure Poseidon and Hades will say they are equal, but they are slightly lower. Hades is a 10 on my scale.

The card lists Percy's powers and backhistory. As my classmates make additional cards, we can trade these. Some are making characters, some are making locations like Camp Half-Blood, some are making cards about the monsters, one is doing the artifacts, and others are making events that happened in the series. My friends and I want to use the cards to make a game like Magic the Gathering, but with Percy Jackson. And maybe easier so my mom can understand it. 

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